in this article we covered these topics: dotnet practice exercises, dotnet practical questions, dotnet practical interview questions, dotnet best practices, dotnet assignment etc….
• Create a console based application to display output on the screen.
• Create a console based application to accept input from user.
• Create a console based application to accept command line arguments from user.
• Create a console based application to accept student detail(student name, roll no) at command line and display them on screen.
• Write a program to generate a window form with a simple message.
• Write a program to generate a series of first 50 even numbers.
• Write a program to generate a FIBONACCI series .
o 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21
• Write a program to generate tables from 2 to 20 with first 10 terms .
• Write a program to find the greastest among three numbers.
• Write a program to find the average of n natural numbers using for loop.
• Write a program that inputs an integer – determine if it is even or odd (USING IF ELSE STATEMENT).
• Write a program to find the given year is a leap year or not.
• Write a program to find the area of a triangle using Area= sqrt(s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)), where s=(a+b+c)/2
• Write a program to create a structure.
• Create a structure with constructor.
• Write program for matrix multiplication using array.
• Write a program which calculate area of different shapes entered by user using switch case.
• Write a programwhich iterates over the elements of the string array using foreach loop.
• Execute the following program and recognise the output:
using System;
public class WhileLoopSample
public void RunForAwhile()
TimeSpan durationToRun = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 30); DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
while (DateTime.Now – start < durationToRun)
Console.WriteLine(“not finished yet”);
• Create a class which have attributes, methods, consturctor and finalizer and create its objects as reference type as well as value type.
• Write a program to create a string indexer that returns a string value.
• Write a program which have overloaded constructors.
• Write a program for handling exceptions.
• Wtrie a program to create nested namespaces.
• Write a program which have a static class.
• WAP for implementing single inheritance.
• WAP for implementing multilevel inheritance.
• WAP for implementing multiple inheritance.
• WAP for implementing hybrid inheritance.
• WAP for implementing the concept for virtual base class.
• WAP for deriving constructor in the derived class.
• WAP for implementing virtual functions.
• Write a program for reading a file.
• Write a program for writing in a file.
• Write a program to append the text in an existing file.
• Write a program to copy the data of one file to another.
• Write a program to create a window based application for making a student registration form.
• Write a program to create a text editor.