Java Practical Assignment pdf download

In this Article we covered following topics like java practical questions, java practical questions and answers, java practical question paper, java practice questions for beginners etc. So let’s see..


  1. Write a simple java program to print “Hello” word on the screen.
  2. Write a simple command line argument program.
  3. W.A.P swapping of two number.


  1. W.A.P to compute the area of circle.
  2. W.A.P to find the perimeter & square.
  3. W.A.P to generate this output


  1. W.A.P to generate this output
    1 2
    3 4 5
    6 7 8 9
  1. W.A.P to print this output
    2 2
    3 3 3
    4 4 4 4

java practical question paper

  1. W.A.P to calculate the sum of digit of a given number.


  1. W.A.P to calculate the Fibonacci series using do while.
  2. W.A.P to display volume of a Box.
  3. W.A. Simple Constructor program.


  1. W.A.P of parameterized constructor.
  2. W.A.P of Method overriding
  3. W.A.P of Method overloading.


  1. W.A.P to show use of Abstract class.
  2. W.A.P of single inheritance.
  3. W.A.P of multiple inheritance.


  1. W.A.P of hierarchical inheritance.
  2. W.A.P to create a single interface.
  3. W.A.P to create your own package.

java practice questions for beginners


  1. W.A.P of Exception Handling.
  2. W.A.P to show multiple catch block.
  3. W.A.P to show multiple try block.


  1. W.A.P to show use of exception handling with finally method.
  2. W.A.P to show use of a string
  3. W.A.P to show use of a string buffer.


  1. W.A.P to show use of a vector class.
  2. W.A.P to show multi threading.
  3. W.A.P to show use of simple applet.


  1. W.A.P to draw a hut using applet with graphics.
  2. W.A.P to draw a human face using applet with graphics.
  3. W.A.P to draw a light house using applet with graphics.


  1. W.A.P to read a file.
  2. W.A.P to write a file.
  3. W.A.P to reverse of already exist file.
  4. W.A.P to accept a no. from used and count the no. of digits.
  5. W.A.P check no. is Armstrong or not.

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