What is LibreOffice?
LibreOffice is a powerful and free office suite, a successor to OpenOffice(.org), used by millions of people around the world. Its clean interface and feature-rich tools help you unleash your creativity and enhance your productivity. LibreOffice includes several applications that make it the most versatile Free and Open Source Software(FOSS) office suite on the market: Writer (word processing), Calc (spreadsheets), Impress (presentations), Draw (vector graphics and flowcharts), Base (databases), and Math (formula editing).
LibreOffice is compatible with a wide range of document formats such as Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx), Excel (.xls, .xlsx), PowerPoint (.ppt, .pptx) and Publisher. But LibreOffice goes much further with its native support for a modern and open standard, the Open Document Format (ODF). With LibreOffice, you have maximum control over your data and content – and you can export your work in many different formats including PDF.
LibreOffice is a product of LibreOffice Documentation Team.
Typical extensions for ODF files include the following:
- .odt – a text document (word processor- Writer)
- .ods – a spreadsheet file (spreadsheet – Calc)
- .odp – a presentation file(presentations- Impress)
- .odg – an illustration or graphic(diagrams – Draw )
- .odb – a database file (database- Base)
- .odf – a formaula file (formula editor – Math )
- LibreOffice is Free and Open Source Software(FOSS), available for everyone to use, share and modify, and produced by a worldwide community of hundreds of developers.
- LibreOffice is available in many, many languages (Currently 120).
- LibreOffice runs on Windows, Linux, and macOS operating systems, each of which has several versions and can be customized by users (fonts, colors, themes, window managers).
Advantages of LibreOffice
- No licensing fees or No Subscription Fees
- Privacy and Security
- Open source
- Cross-platform
- Comprehensive Suite
- Extensive language support / Multilingual Support
- Extensibility
- Consistent user interface
- Integration
- Granularity
- File compatibility
- No vendor lock-in
- You have a voice
- No Internet Connection Needed
- How can I access libre office Online?
- Collabora Office is online edition of Libreoffice.
- It is also knows as Collabora Online Development Edition (CODE).
- Can I use LibreOffice in my business?
- May I distribute LibreOffice to anyone?
- May I sell it?
- How many computers may I install it on?
As many as you like.
- How is LibreOffice licensed?
LibreOffice is distributed under the Open Source Initiative (OSI) approved Mozilla Public License (MPL).
- Who uses LibreOffice?
Tens of millions of people around the world use LibreOffice every day, in homes, businesses, charities and government departments. Some notable users include:
- Why doesn’t LibreOffice include an email client?
Right now, there are no plans to develop an email client inside LibreOffice, as there are excellent free and open source software email clients already available. We are rather focusing on LibreOffice, our core product, and striving to make integration with existing solutions better.
The software and hardware prerequisites for installing LibreOffice on a Windows system are as follows:
- Microsoft Windows 7 SP1 with KB3063858 update, Windows 8, Windows Server 2012 through 2022, Windows 10 or 11 (LibreOffice is fully supported on Windows 11)
- Pentium-compatible PC (Pentium III, Athlon or more-recent system recommended)
- 256 MB RAM (512 MB RAM recommended)
- Up to 1.5 GB available hard disk space
- 1024×768 resolution (higher resolution recommended), with at least 256 colors
Versions of LibreOffice Community for Windows, Linux, and macOS are freely available and can be downloaded from https://www.libreoffice.org/download.
LibreOffice vs OpenOffice
LibreOffice is the successor to OpenOffice.org, commonly known as OpenOffice, which had its last major update in 2014. LibreOffice adds many extra features and improved Microsoft Office compatibility, and has regular releases with security updates.
Collabora Online’s text document editor provides a true WYSIWYG editing experience, making visualising your document layout incredibly easy. Open any document, add comments and track changes from anywhere, with anyone. Format and style your pages with endless options.
- LibreOffice Writer is a powerful word processing software included in the LibreOffice suite, which is a free and open-source office productivity suite.
- It offers a wide range of features and tools for creating, editing, formatting, and sharing documents.
- It is compatible with a wide range of document formats including Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx), and you can export your work in several formats including PDF.
- Your documents will look professional and clean, regardless of their purpose: a letter, a master thesis, a brochure, financial reports, marketing presentations, technical drawings and diagrams.
Supports: .odt, .docx, .doc, .docm, .rtf
500+ LibreOffice Impress MCQs: Download PDF
Provides a true WYSIWYG editing experience, making visualising your document layout incredibly easy.
- Excellent interoperability – view and edit all your office documents without losing features.
- Format and style your pages with endless options.
In LibreOffice Writer, there are various default settings and their corresponding values. Here are some common default settings and their typical values:
Exam Oriented Most Important Points:
- By default, deletions are shown in the text with a strikethrough font.
- The Sidebar is normally open by default on the right side of the Writer window.
500+ LibreOffice Writer MCQs: Download PDF
- The Writer Sidebar contains eight decks by default: Properties, Styles (also shown as Styles and Formatting in some installations), Gallery, Navigator, Page, Style Inspector, Manage Changes, and Accessibility Check.
- Normal view is the default view in Writer.
- By Default Writer Document font set to “Arial” or “Liberation Serif” with a default size of 12pt.
- Default highlighter color is yellow.
- By default, LibreOffice gives objects names such as Image1, Image2, Table1, Table2, and so on.
- Default Table size is 2 Columns and 2 Rows with default table name Table1.
- By default, the Find toolbar is docked at the bottom of the LibreOffice window, just above the Status Bar , but you can float it or dock it in another location.
- The default name of the document is Untitled1 .
- By Default LibreOffice Writer Document Saved with file extension .odt(OpenDocument Text).
- Default save loction for writer document is documents.
500+ LibreOffice Calc MCQs: Download PDF
- By default, four dictionaries are installed for each language, if they are available for that language: a spelling checker, a grammar checker, a hyphenation dictionary, and a thesaurus .
- Add to Dictionary: The word is added by default to the Standard dictionary.
- By default, inserted text is underlined, deleted text has a line through it (strike through), both are in color, and a mark (change bar) appears in the margin.
- By default, tracked changes are displayed inline.
- The default alignment in LibreOffice Writer is left.
- The default page orientation is portrait.
- LibreOffice Writer has six style categories.