Create a HTML Document with JavaScript code that has three Textboxes and a button. The details should be accepted using textboxes are principal, rate of interest, and duration in years. When user clicks the OK Button a message box appears showing the simple interest of principal amount.
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title> Simple Interest Calculator in Javascript</title>
<script >
function m2r5(){
var pr= document.getElementById('p').value;
var rate= document.getElementById('r').value;
var time= document.getElementById('t').value;
var res=document.getElementById('result');
result.innerHTML="Simple Interset is " +(pr*rate*time/100);
Principal:<input type="number" id="p"><br><br>
Rate: <input type="number" id="r"><br><br>
Time: <input type="number" id="t"><br><br>
<input type="button" name="OK" onclick="m2r5();" value="ok">
<h1 id="result" style="color: green;"></h1>
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