In this post we are going to share O Level Practical Old Paper, O Level IT Tools practical paper, O Level PR1 Paper and IT Tools m1r5 Practical Questions. These Important Practical Question for it tools m1r5 are very Important. All O Level Practical Paper From January 20211 to January 2024 are shaared in this post. Lets Check
O Level IT Tools Practical Paper January 2021
1.Below is given a letter and some addresses. This letter is to be sent to all these addresses. User mail merge Addresses are:
1) Amit, H No 424 sector 8D,Lajpat Nagar, New Delhi
2) Rohit, H No 444, Sector 125C,Chandigarh
3) Jyoti, H NO 550, Sector 16A, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow
The Letter is To <> <> Dear <> You are advised to appear for an interview on the <>at 9:00 A.M with your original documents. Yours Sincerely ABC Limited, Industrial Phase –7, New Delhi.
2. Create an EXCEL sheet with following data and perform the operation listed below
(a) Sort the content of column A in descending order
(b) Perform subtraction of column C from column A and put result in column E
(c) Do total of column A and E
(d) Copy only content of Column E in column G
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3. A company records the details of total sales (in Rs.) Item and in the following format:
(a) Enter the data using spreadsheet and save it as sector
(b) Using appropriate formula, calculate total sale for each sector
(c) Create a 3-D column chart to show sector wise data for all four months
(d) Create a 3-D pie chart to show sales in Jan in all sectors
4. Create any word document of 3 to 4 pages, add a Watermark with name “Confidential page”. Add page no. in the footer but not on the first page.
5. Create three slide presentation and do the following instruction
a. In first slide give title name of presentation and add theme of your choice and save as My_first_presentation.
b. In second slide write content of presentation in bullet format
c. in third slide add table with four rows and four columns
d. Add date and page number in footer in each slide
6. Check the following data in table of Libreoffice Calc:
Total compound interest= principal loan amount*(1+interest rate) loan-term
EMI Amount= (Total compound interest+ Principal Loan Amount)/60
Calculate these values and put in the table.
7. Use the LibreOffice Writer to do the following tasks:
a) Selecting items that are not consecutive
b) Finding and replacing text of your choice with a new word
c) Inserting special characters
d) Setting tab stops and indents of your choice
O Level it tools Practical Questions July 2021
8. Make a list of addresses in calc. Write a letter in writer. Using mail merge generate letters for all addresses in calc file.
9. Demonstrate and write the sequence of steps to open a GMAIL account and create and send a new E-mail with an Impresss presentation file
10. Create a table in MS-Excel as shown below:
11. Do the following:
a) In the total marks column, entries should be calculated using formulas and it is the sum of marks in physics and marks in chemistry.
b) Insert a new row at the end of the table and also find grand total using formula.
c) Sort the table based on total marks.
d) All columns should be center aligned.
e) Heading should be in bold and underlined
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12. Draw the flowchart using Libre Office Draw application for finding the mean and median of a set of values given, for example. 13, 12, 11, 9, 18, 15, 10.
13. Create a document in Word. Format the document with various fonts (minimum 12, maximum 15) and margins (minimum 2, maximum 4). The document should include:
a) A bulleted or numbered list
b) A table containing name, address, basic pay, department as column heading
c) A picture of an animal using the clip art gallery
d) A header with your name and the date
e) A footer with pagination
14. Create Student Data Sheet in Calc for eligibility in class Sixth admission, as given below:
Enter data for 5 students up to Last Date of Submission
b) Calculate Age of students
c) Eligibility of admission (if age> 27 & <29 then eligible, if age=>26 or <27 then eligible of next year, else not eligible)
d) Filter the Student list as per eligibility
15. Create a List of Restaurant Menu Items using following features of LibreOffice Writer:
a) Create a numbered list
b) Change the style and formatting of the numbered list
c) Introduce a nested list in the menu
O Level PR1 Practical Questions January 2022
16. Create a worksheet “employee” with the following information.
17. To find floor in which there is no person whose name starts with A.
(c) To display name and office for the persons in office 11 and 14.
(d) To extract name and phone for the persons on the floor between 2 and 4.
(e) To extract name and office for persons of Admin department.
(f) To extract name and phone for the persons having salary more than 8000/-.
18. In Spreadsheet, Enter the following data.
19. Calculate DA as 80% of Basic Pay and HRA as 10% of basic pay + DA.
(c) Find out Net Salary (giving the deductions of Insurance 10% of Basic pay and P.F. 5% of Basic pay).
(d) Find out the Highest and lowest Salary of the Employee.
(e) Calculate the total Insurance collected from all the employee.
(f) Apply two decimal notations to all the numeric values.
20. Create the worksheet shown above and save the file with name “Employees_Detail”.
21. Do the followings :
(a) Merge and center the Heading “EMPLOYEE’S DATABASE”. Apply the cell style to Accent2.
(b) Make the Column headings in BOLD format.
(c) Count the total no. of employees DEPARTMENT WISE.
(d) List the name of employees whose salary is greater than 120000
(e) Count the total no. of employees who have salary greater than 100000
(f) Sort the data DEPARTMENT wise in ascending order
(g) Generate a Column chart and Line chart to highlight employee name and their salary.
(h) Generate a Pie chart along the salary contribution by each DEPARTMENT.
22. Create a presentation consisting of 5 slides on “Delhi- Capital of India” in LibreOffice keeping in mind the following features :
(a) Select the Presentation option in LibreOffice.
(b) Select the blue border as the presentation’s background.
(c) Create your first presentation add as a title “LibreOffice first knowledge”.
(d) Create a blank slide to a new presentation and insert an image that you have stored in your folders, your desktop or “My pictures folder”.
23. A university maintains a year wise result for three courses and then generates an average report as given below :
(a) Create the worksheet shown above.
(b) Save the file with name “Courses”.
(c) Use the AutoFill to put the SR NO. into cells.
(d) Set the column widths as follows : Column A : 8, Column B : 14, Columns C & D : 15, Columns E & F : 14.
(e) Complete the report to calculate the course wise average in row 6.
(f) Provide formula to calculate year wise average in column F.
24. Create a presentation using Impress tool by making minimum 5 slides about own
institution and do the following tasks :
(a) Search web to select an appropriate model for biodata and covering letter.
(b) Prepare own biodata to apply for a position/job w.r.t selected course of study.
(c) Save the file.
(d) Protect the file with a password.
(e) Convert the file to Portable Document Format, so that the file will be seen intact in all OS platforms.
(f) Send files through email to your friend.
25. In LibreOffice , use mail merge feature to create invitation letter for Republic Day Flag hoisting to all the employees in the organization.
(a) Create your own Address List which will contain First name, Last name, Designation,
(b) Content of the main body of email should describe the time, date and venue of the parade.
(c) All documents need to be sent through Email
O Level m1R5 Practical Questions July 2022
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O Level it tools Practical Questions January 2023
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O Level it tools m1R5 Practical Questions July 2023
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O Level it Practical Questions January 2024
26. Create a newsletter for your class. you can use the newsletter formt given in the writer or design a new one.