MCQs on C++
Raj. Informatics Assistant 2011
C++ मूल रूप से किसके द्वारा विकसित किया गया था?
C++ was originally developed by
[A] Nicolas Wirth
[B] Donalt Knuth
[C] Bjarni Stroustrup
[D] Ken Thompson
Correct Answer : Bjarni Stroustrup
कीवर्ड friend प्रकट नहीं होता है
The keyword friend does not appear in
[A] The class allowing access to another class.
[B] The class desiring access to another class.
[C] The private section of a class.
[D] The public section of a class.
Correct Answer : The private section of a class.
वह ऑपरेटर जिसे ओवरलोड नहीं किया जा सकता है
The operator that cannot be overloaded is
[A] %
[B] ::
[C] +
[D] -
Correct Answer : ::
बिना पैरामीटर वाले कंस्ट्रक्टर को क्या कहा जाता है?
The constructor without parameter is called?
[A] Method Constructor
[B] Default Constructor
[C] Operator Constructor
[D] Function Constructor
Correct Answer : Default Constructor
__________ एक विशेष विधि है जिसका उपयोग किसी वर्ग के इंस्टेंस वेरिएबल को प्रारंभ करने के लिए किया जाता है।
A __________ is a special method used to initialize the instance variable of a class.
[A] Member function
[B] Destructor
[C] Constructor
[D] Structure
Correct Answer : Constructor
Rajasthan Informatics Assistant 2011
C++ में, एक class के भीतर निहित एक फ़ंक्शन है:
In C++ , a function contained within a class is :
[A] A member function
[B] An operator
[C] A class function
[D] A method
Correct Answer : A member function
I A -2011
C++ में ऑपरेटर ओवरलोडिंग क्या है?
Operator overloading in C++ is?
[A] Making C++ operators work with objects
[B] Giving new meaning to existing C++ operators
[C] Making new C++ operators
[D] Both A and B
Correct Answer : Both A and B
I A -2011
C++ में, एक विध्वंसक लेता है
In C++ ,a destructor takes
[A] One argument
[B] Two argument
[C] Three argument
[D] zero argument
Correct Answer : zero argument
I A -2011
C++ में, एक क्लास में निहित फ़ंक्शन है:
In C++ , a function contained within a class is :
[A] A member function
[B] An operator
[C] A class function
[D] A method
Correct Answer : A member function
I A -2011
C++ प्रोग्राम के किसी क्लास में फ़ील्ड डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से होते हैं
Field in a class of C++ Program are by default
[A] Private
[B] Public
[C] Protected
[D] None of the above
Correct Answer : Private
I A -2011
C++ में, 14%4 बराबर है -
In C++ , 14%4 equals to -
[A] 1
[B] 2
[C] 3
[D] 4
Correct Answer : 2
I A -2011
C++ मूलतः किसके द्वारा विकसित किया गया था?
C++ was originally developed by
[A] An object is declard
[B] An object is used
[C] A class is declared
[D] A class is used
Correct Answer : An object is declard
I A -2011
C++ में कन्स्ट्रक्टर को तब बुलाया जाता है जब भी
A constructor in C++ is called whenever
[A] An object is declared
[B] An object is used
[C] A class is declared
[D] class is used
Correct Answer : An object is declared
o level July -2022
नोटपैड++ किस भाषा में लिखा गया है?
Notepad++ is written in which language ?
[B] Python
[C] C++
[D] Java
Correct Answer : C++
o level July -2022
सबलाइम टेक्स्ट एडिटर किस भाषा में लिखा गया है?
Sublime text editor is written in which language ?
[B] Python
[C] C++
[D] Both B and C
Correct Answer : Both B and C
RBCI 2022
C++ द्वारा कितने प्रकार के बहुरूपता समर्थित हैं?
How many type of polymorphisms are supported by C++?
[A] 1
[B] 2
[C] 3
[D] 4
Correct Answer : 2
C++ में नियंत्रण स्ट्रिंग में वर्णों के तीन महत्वपूर्ण वर्गीकरण होते हैं
The control string in C++ consists of three important classifications of characters
[A] Escape sequence characters, Format specifiers and White space characters
[B] Special characters, White-space characters and Non-white space characters
[C] Format specifiers, White-space characters and Non-white space characters
[D] Special characters, White-space characters and Format specifiers
Correct Answer : Escape sequence characters, Format specifiers and White space characters
HPSSSB -2018
C++ भाषा में, किसी क्लास के भीतर मौजूद फ़ंक्शन को कहा जाता है
In C++ language, a function contained within a class is called a
[A] in-built function
[B] user defined function
[C] member function
[D] All of these
Correct Answer : member function
C++ भाषा में, निर्देश 'ignore(x,y):___________.
In C++ language , the instruction 'ignore(x,y):___________.
[A] Skips the last x characters and stops if characters y is encountered .
[B] Skips the first y characters and stops if characters x is encountered.
[C] Skips the first x characters and stops if character y is encountered.
[D] Skips the last y characters and stops if character x is encountered.
Correct Answer : Skips the first x characters and stops if character y is encountered.
C++ में main () फ़ंक्शन के संबंध में कौन सा कथन सही है? I. यह एक उपयोगकर्ता परिभाषित फ़ंक्शन है। II. यह एक पूर्व-परिभाषित फ़ंक्शन है।
Which statements is correct regarding main () function in C++? I. It is a user defined function. II. It is a pre-defined function.
[A] Neither I nor II
[B] Only II
[C] Both I and II
[D] Only I
Correct Answer : Only I
C++ कोड के निम्नलिखित खंड पर विचार करें। int j, n; for(j=1;j<=n; ) j=j*2; किसी भी n > 0 के लिए लूप के निष्पादन में की गई तुलनाओं की संख्या क्या है?
Consider the following segment of C++ code. int j, n; for(j=1;j<=n; ) j=j*2; What is the number of comparisons made in the execution of the loop for any n > 0?
[A] log2 (n + 1)
[B] . log2 n + 1
[C] n + 1
[D] (n + 1)/2
Correct Answer : . log2 n + 1
C++ में वह ऑपरेटर, जिसका उपयोग पॉइंटर का उपयोग करके किसी मान तक पहुंचने के लिए किया जाता है, ______ के रूप में जाना जाता है।
The operator in C++, which is used to access a value by using a pointer, is known as ______.
[A] direct operator
[B] Indirect Operator
[C] Indirection Operator
[D] Insertion Operator
Correct Answer : Indirection Operator
C++ मुख्य रूप से ___________ के लिए फ़ंक्शन कॉल ओवरहेड को कम करने के लिए इनलाइन फ़ंक्शन प्रदान करता है।
C++ provides inline functions to facilitate a reduced function call overhead mainly for ___________.
[A] Non-member functions
[B] Library functions
[C] Small functions
[D] Large functions
Correct Answer : Small functions
निम्नलिखित में से कौन सी पूर्णतया ऑब्जेक्ट ओरिएंटेड कंप्यूटर लैंग्वेज है?
Which of the following is a completely object-oriented computer language?
[A] MS-Office
[C] C++
Correct Answer : C++
कंपाइलर आपके C++ निर्देशों को परिवर्तित करता है
The compiler converts your C++ instructions into
[A] object code
[B] edited code
[C] source code
[D] translated code
Correct Answer : object code
[IBPS Clerk 2012]
C++ भाषा किसके द्वारा विकसित की गई है?
C+ + language developed by
[A] Dennis Ritchie
[B] Charles Babbage
[C] Niklaus Wirth
[D] Bjarne Stroustrup
Correct Answer : Bjarne Stroustrup
Tech Assistant -2019
Consider the following C++ program what is the output of this program ?
Consider the following C++ program what is the output of this program ?
int main()
int sal;
sal 4+215;
return 0;
[A] 35
[B] 34
[C] 90
[D] 219
Correct Answer : 219
Tech Assistant -2019
C++ में मैक्रोज़ को परिभाषित करने के लिए किस कीवर्ड का उपयोग किया जाता है?
Which keyword is used to define the macros in C++?
[A] Macro
[B] Define
[C] #define
[D] None of the mentioned
Correct Answer : #define
Tech Assistant -2019
A process executes the following code
A process executes the following code
for{i=0;i<p; i++)
[A] 1
[B] P
[C] 2P-1
[D] 2
Correct Answer : 2P-1
Tech Assistant -2019
निम्नलिखित C++ प्रोग्राम सेगमेंट का आउटपुट क्या है?
What is the output of the following C++ program segment ?
void check(int &arg1)
int main()
int arg = 10; check(arg);
cout<< "New value of arg is "<<arg;
return 0;
[A] New value of arg is 10
[B] New value of arg is 550
[C] New value of arg is 15
[D] New value of arg is 55
Correct Answer : New value of arg is 10
Tech Assistant -2019
C++ और Java में त्रुटि प्रबंधन के संदर्भ में, 'finally' के बारे में निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा सत्य है?
In the context of error handling in C++ and Java , which of the following is true about 'finally'?
[A] Finally block is mandatory
[B] I will be executed only if exception occurs
[C] It will be executed only if NO exception occurs
[D] It will be executed irrespective of execution occurrence
Correct Answer : It will be executed irrespective of execution occurrence
Tech Assistant -2019
C++ और Java में त्रुटि प्रबंधन के संदर्भ में, 'finally' के बारे में निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा सत्य है?
In the context of error handling in C++ and Java , which of the following is true about 'finally'?
[A] Finally block is mandatory
[B] It wll be executed only if exception occurs
[C] It will be executed only if no exception occurs
[D] It will be executed irrespective of exception occurrence
Correct Answer : It will be executed irrespective of exception occurrence
Tech Assistant -2019
C++ प्रोग्रामिंग भाषा में, cout एक है
In C++ programming language, cout is a
[A] Function
[B] Predefined object
[C] Pointer
[D] None of the above
Correct Answer : Predefined object
Tech Assistant -2019
C++ में, वह ऑपरेटर जिसे ओवरलोड नहीं किया जा सकता है, वह है
In C++, the operator that cannot be overloaded is
[A] +
[B] <
[C] &&
[D] ::
Correct Answer : ::
Tech Assistant -2019
C++ में, बिना किसी तर्क के एक कन्स्ट्रक्टर को कहा जाता है
In C++, a constructor without any arguments is called a
[A] Copy constructor
[B] Parameterised constructor
[C] Default constructor
[D] None of the above
Correct Answer : Default constructor
Tech Assistant -2019
C++ में, वर्चुअल फ़ंक्शन किसका उदाहरण है?
In C++,Virtual function is an example of
[A] Function overloading
[B] Compile time polymorphism
[C] Operator overloading
[D] Runtime polymorphism
Correct Answer : Runtime polymorphism
Tech Assistant -2019
निम्नलिखित कोड द्वारा कार्यान्वित सॉर्टिंग एल्गोरिदम की पहचान करें:
Identify the sorting algorithm implemented by the following code:
void f(int x[], int n)
Int i,j,temp;
for(i=0; i<n; i++)
for(j=0; j<(n-i-1); j++)
if (x[j] > x[j+1])
temp = x[j];
x[j] = x[j+1];
x[j+1] = temp;
[A] Quick sort
[B] Bubble sort
[C] Heap sort
[D] None of the above
Correct Answer : Bubble sort