एक्सएमएल के क्या फायदे हैं/हैं?
What is/are the advantages of xml?
[A] xml files are human readable.
[B] It allows data interchange between different computers.
[C] It provides user selected view of data.
[D] All of the Above
Correct Answer : All of the Above
निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा प्रतीक XML टैग की शुरुआत को दर्शाता है?
Which of the following symbols marks the start of an XML tag?
[A] {}
[B] ()
[C] <>
[D] []
Correct Answer : <>
आप XML में टिप्पणी कैसे जोड़ते हैं?
How do you add a comment in XML?
[A] <!--This is a comment-->
[B] //This is a comment
[C] # This is a comment
[D] * This is a comment
Correct Answer : <!--This is a comment-->
निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा XML का उद्देश्य नहीं है?
Which of the following is not a purpose of XML?
[A] Styling web pages
[B] Storing data
[C] Transporting data
[D] Describing data
Correct Answer : Styling web pages
निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा XML का उद्देश्य नहीं है?
Which of the following is not a purpose of XML?
[A] <tagName attribute="value">
[B] <tagName attribute=value>
[C] <tagName "attribute"="value">
[D] <tagName attribute: value>
Correct Answer : <tagName attribute="value">
एक्सएमएल का मतलब क्या है?
What does XML stand for?
[A] Extensible Markup Language
[B] Extrapolated Markup Language
[C] Extended Markup Language
[D] Exclusive Markup Language
Correct Answer : Extensible Markup Language
XML में टैग क्या है?
What is a tag in XML?
[A] A keyword that identifies the type of data
[B] An identifier for a specific element
[C] A formatting code for text
[D] A type of file extension
Correct Answer : An identifier for a specific element
XML दस्तावेज़ में मूल तत्व क्या है?
What is the root element in an XML document?
[A] The first element in the document
[B] The last element in the document
[C] The element that contains all other elements
[D] The element that contains the text of the document
Correct Answer : The element that contains all other elements
XML स्कीमा का उद्देश्य क्या है?
What is the purpose of an XML schema?
[A] To define the structure and content of an XML document
[B] To provide metadata about an XML document
[C] To provide a way to validate an XML document
[D] To define the encoding used in an XML document
Correct Answer : To define the structure and content of an XML document
XML किस भाषा से सर्वाधिक मिलती जुलती है?
What language is XML most similar to?
[B] Python
[C] JavaScript
Correct Answer : HTML
कौन सी भाषा XML पर आधारित है/हैं?
Which language(s) is/are based on XML?
[C] MathML
[D] All of these
Correct Answer : All of these
XML के संबंध में सही कथन क्या है?
What is correct statement in respect of XML ?
[A] Declaration is not a tag.
[B] Declaration is a tag.
[C] XML is not usually used for descriptive purposes, but there are ways to display XML data.
[D] Allof these
Correct Answer : Declaration is not a tag.