आज की इस पोस्ट मे हम आपको Polytechnic मे Software Engineering Previous Year Paper questions के बारे मे बताने वाला हूँ | Software Engineering 5th Semester का एक subject है| जिसका exam 25 march 2022 को हुआ था| Polytechnic Software Engineering previous year paper आप download भी कर सकते है | तो चलिये देखते है कि Software Engineering previous year पेपर मे कौन कौन से question आए थे |
Polytechnic Software Engineering Previous Year Paper download
Software Engineering paper मे कुल 5 question आते है जिसमे sub parts भी होते है | और आपको कुल मिलाकर सिर्फ 10 question ही attempt करने है |
Q1) Answer any two parts of the following
- Define system ? Explain different elements of the system.
- Compare between object oriented design and function oriented design.
- What is software engineering ? Explain SDLC steps in brief.
Q2) Answer any two parts of the following
- What is importance of Requirement Analysis ?
- Explain the Software life cycle models. List the various life cycle models used for Software development.
- Write a short note on agile methodology.
Q3) Answer any two parts of the following
- Differentiate between Cohesion and Coupling.
- Explain Software design principles in detail.
- Define Software crisis. What are possible solution to the present Software crisis.
Q4) Answer any two parts of the following
- Explain the characteristics of good SRS.
- Discuss about Decision Trees and Decision Tables.
- Write a short note on function point and Line of Code(LOC) measures.
Q5) Answer any two parts of the following
- Explain the COCOMO model with the formula for computing duration of project and manpower efforts for project.
- Discuss change control and version control with respect to Software configuration management.
- Write the differences between Black-box testing and White-box Testing.
यह वे questions थे जो polytechnic Software Engineering paper previous year के 5th semester मे पूछे गए थे | और आपको प्रत्येक पार्ट से सिर्फ 2 questions ही attempt करने है |
यदि आपको polytechnic से संबन्धित किसी भी विषय पर जानकारी चाहिए तो आप हमे comment के माध्यम से पूछ सकते है| Polytechnic मे CSE branch मे यदि किसी subject मे आपको हेल्प चाहिए, तो आप बेझिझक comment मे पूछ सकते है |