MCQs on Programming Basics

Ques 1

'COBOL' का विकास किसने किया?

Who developed 'COBOL'?

[A] Grame Smith Lawrance

[B] Vin Merchant

[C] Douglas Martin

[D] Grace Murry Hopper

Correct Answer : Grace Murry Hopper

Ques 2

कंप्यूटर निर्देशों को लिखने की प्रक्रिया को _______ के रूप में जाना जाता है

The process of writing out computer instructions is known as _______

[A] Documenting

[B] Coding

[C] Compiling

[D] Assembling

Correct Answer : Coding

Ques 3


कंपाइलर में किसी भाषा के कीवर्ड को पहचाना जाता है

In a compiler, keywords of a language are recognized during

[A] parsing of the program

[B] the code generation

[C] the lexical analysis of the program

[D] dataflow analysis

Correct Answer : the lexical analysis of the program

Ques 4

UPP Programmer 2013

बिजली बंद होने पर भी ________ में डेटा नष्ट नहीं होता है।

The data in ________ is not lost even if power is switched off.

[A] files

[B] arrays

[C] structures

[D] unions

Correct Answer : files

Ques 5

UPP Programmer 2013

निम्नलिखित में से कार्यात्मक प्रोग्रामिंग भाषा का उदाहरण कौन सा है?

Which is an example of functional programming language among the following ?

[A] Haskel

[B] Java

[C] Python

[D] Fortran

Correct Answer : Haskel

Ques 6


प्रोग्रामिंग भाषा जावा ______ द्वारा विकसित की गई थी।

Programming language Java was developed by______.

[A] Charles Simoni

[B] Paul Allen

[C] Jaap Hartsen

[D] James Gosling

Correct Answer : James Gosling

Ques 7


"आर्टिफिशियल इंटेलिजेंस" शब्द किसने गढ़ा?

Who coined the word “Artificial Intelligence”?

[A] John McCarthy

[B] David Bradley

[C] John Berger

[D] Charles Bachman

Correct Answer : John McCarthy

Ques 8


COBOL का पूर्ण रूप क्या है?

What is the full form of COBOL?

[A] Computer Basic Oriented Language

[B] Common Basic Operating Language

[C] Computer Based Operating Language

[D] Common Business Oriented Language

Correct Answer : Common Business Oriented Language

Ques 9


निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा प्रोग्राम है जो उच्च स्तरीय भाषा के प्रत्येक निर्देश का अनुवाद करता है और अगले निर्देश पर जाने से पहले उसे निष्पादित करता है?

Which of the following is a programme that translates each instruction of high-level language and executes it before passing on to the next instruction?

[A] Interpreter

[B] Multi Processing

[C] Assembller

[D] Data Processing

Correct Answer : Interpreter

Ques 10


______ वैज्ञानिक और गणितीय उपयोग के लिए एक उच्च स्तरीय प्रोग्रामिंग भाषा है

______ is a high-level programming language for scientific and mathematical use





Correct Answer : FORTRAN

Ques 11

RRB PO/Clerk 2020

पास्कल भाषा का विकास किसने किया है?

Who is developed PASCAL language?

[A] James Gosling

[B] Niklaus Wirth

[C] Dennis Ritchie

[D] Charles Babbage

Correct Answer : Niklaus Wirth

Ques 12

MPESB Police Constable 2023

निम्नलिखित में से कौन प्रोग्रामिंग भाषा का अनुवादक नहीं है?

Which of the following is not a translator of a programming language?

[A] Compiler

[B] Assembler

[C] Interpreter

[D] Loader

Correct Answer : Loader

Ques 13

MPESB Police Constable 2023

ASCII एक ________ है|

ASCII is a/an ________.

[A] Numbering system for representing numbers with decimals.

[B] Character representation standard common in older mainframe computers.

[C] Encoding standard used to represent letters and characters.

[D] Symbolic programming language that directly represents machine instructions.

Correct Answer : Encoding standard used to represent letters and characters.

Ques 14

MPESB Police Constable 2023

Boolean (Yes/No) fields के लिए अधिकतम स्वीकृत फ़ील्ड आकार क्या है?

What is the maximum allowed field size for Boolean (Yes/No) fields?

[A] 1

[B] 8

[C] 50

[D] 255

Correct Answer : 1

Ques 15

MPESB Police Constable 2023

निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा गेट जोड़ ऑपरेशन करेगा?

Which of the following gate will person addition operation?


[B] OR



Correct Answer : OR

Ques 16

Rajasthan Patwari 2015

फोरट्रान प्रोग्रामिंग भाषा है. फोरट्रान का मतलब क्या है?

FORTRAN is programming language. What does FORTRAN stand for?

[A] Forbid Translation

[B] Formula Translation

[C] Format Translation

[D] Fortune Translation

Correct Answer : Formula Translation

Ques 17


एल्गोरिदम के इनपुट/आउटपुट ऑपरेशन के लिए कौन सी ज्यामितीय आकृति दर्शाती है?

Which geometrical figure represents for Input/Output operation of an algorithm?

[A] Diagonal

[B] Circle

[C] Rectangle

[D] Parallelogram

Correct Answer : Parallelogram

Ques 18

HP-JOA IT 2021

प्रोग्रामिंग भाषा की कौन सी पीढ़ी कम्पाइलर और इंटरप्रेटर का उपयोग करती है?

Which generation of programming language make use of compilers and interpreter ?

[A] First

[B] Second

[C] Third

[D] None of these

Correct Answer : Second

Ques 19

MPESB Group-4 2023

प्रोग्रामिंग के लिए निर्देशों का एक सेट जो किसी फ़ाइल से जुड़ता है, स्वयं की प्रतिलिपि बनाता है, और/या अन्य फ़ाइलों में फैलता है।

A set of instructions for programming that attaches to a file, copies itself, and/or spreads to other files.

[A] Time bomb

[B] Computer infection

[C] Melissa virus

[D] The Michelangelo virus

Correct Answer : Melissa virus

Ques 20

Chhattisgarh ITI 2023

कौन सा सिद्धांत कहता है कि वस्तुएं विस्तार के लिए खुली होनी चाहिए लेकिन संशोधन के लिए बंद होनी चाहिए?

Which principle states that objects should be open for extension but closed for modification?

[A] Inheritance

[B] Encapsulation

[C] Polymorphism

[D] Open-Closed Principle

Correct Answer : Open-Closed Principle

Ques 21


DLL फ़ाइल एक संकलित लाइब्रेरी है जिसमें प्रक्रियाओं और/या ड्राइवरों का एक सेट होता है, जिसे Windows प्रोग्राम द्वारा संदर्भित और निष्पादित किया जाता है। DLL का क्या अर्थ है?

A DLL file is a compiled library containing a set of procedures and/or drivers referenced and executed by a Windows program. What does DLL stand for?

[A] Dual language Library

[B] Dynamic Link Library

[C] Data Load Library

[D] Data Link Library

Correct Answer : Dynamic Link Library

Ques 22


किस प्रकार की कंप्यूटर प्रोग्रामिंग भाषाएं हार्डवेयर से कोई अमूर्त स्तर प्रदान नहीं करती हैं?

Which type of computer programming languages provide no abstraction level from the hardware?

[A] Low-level programming languages

[B] High-level programming languages

[C] Procedural programming languages

[D] Object-oriented programming languages

Correct Answer : Low-level programming languages

Ques 23


ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम में निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा ऑब्जेक्ट प्रोग्राम लोड करता है और इसे निष्पादन के लिए तैयार करता है?

Which of the following in Operating system that loads an object program and prepare it for execution ?

[A] Linker

[B] Loader

[C] Compiler

[D] Assembler

Correct Answer : Loader

Ques 24


गतिशील वाक्यविन्यास जाँच संभव ___________ ढूँढती है क्योंकि प्रोग्राम कोड को स्रोत कोड संपादक में टाइप किया जा रहा है, यह स्रोत कोड की व्याख्या करने से पहले प्रोग्रामर को सचेत भी करता है।

Dynamic syntax checking finds possible ___________as the program code is being typed in to the source code editor , it also alerts the programmer before the source code is interpreted.

[A] Syntax error(s)

[B] Logic error(s)

[C] Semantic error(s)

[D] Debugging

Correct Answer : Debugging

Ques 25


डिबगिंग है:

Debugging is:

[A] The process of finding logic errors in a computer program by running or tracing the program

[B] The process of finding the error in the logic of a program

[C] The practice of running a program online at a time

[D] The process of finding the error in the grammer of a source program.

Correct Answer : The process of finding logic errors in a computer program by running or tracing the program

Ques 26

I A -2011

डीएलएल है.

DLL is .

[A] A collection of small programs which can be called upon when needed by a program in execution

[B] An Application Software

[C] Both of the above

[D] None of the above

Correct Answer : A collection of small programs which can be called upon when needed by a program in execution

Ques 27

I A -2011

निम्नलिखित में से कौन प्रोग्रामिंग भाषा नहीं है?

Which of the following is not a programming language ?

[A] Basic

[B] Field

[C] File

[D] Turning

Correct Answer : Turning

Ques 28

JKSSB -2022

___ का उपयोग सॉफ्टवेयर विकास के विभिन्न चरणों में कोडिंग त्रुटियों की पहचान करने के लिए किया जाता है।

___ is used to identify coding errors at different stages of software development.

[A] Debugger

[B] Translator

[C] Loader

[D] Linker

Correct Answer : Debugger

Ques 29

JKSSB Junior Assistant 2022

_________ सॉफ्टवेयर विकास प्रक्रिया के दौरान बग ढूंढने और हल करने की प्रक्रिया है।

_________ is the process of finding and resolving bugs during the software development process.

[A] Simulating

[B] Flowcharting

[C] Running

[D] Debugging

Correct Answer : Debugging

Ques 30

JKSSB Junior Assistant 2023

प्रोग्रामिंग में कंपाइलर का प्राथमिक उद्देश्य क्या है?

What is the primary purpose of a compiler in programming?

[A] Executes program instructions

[B] Translates high-level code to machine code

[C] Manages memory allocation

[D] Provides a user interface

Correct Answer : Translates high-level code to machine code

Ques 31


यूनिकोड क्या है?

What is Unicode?

[A] Usual coding standard

[B] Unanimous coding standard

[C] Universal coding standard

[D] Uninterrupted coding standard

Correct Answer : Universal coding standard

Ques 32


संख्यात्मक और वैज्ञानिक कंप्यूटिंग के लिए मुख्य रूप से उपयोग की जाने वाली प्रोग्रामिंग भाषा है ________

The programming language used primarily for numeric and scientific computing is ________.





Correct Answer : FORTRAN

Ques 33


प्रोग्रामिंग सिंटैक्स में, प्रोग्राम में प्रत्येक कथन ______ के साथ समाप्त होना चाहिए।

In programming syntax, every statement in a program should end with a ______.

[A] " % "

[B] " @ "

[C] " ; "

[D] " $ "

Correct Answer : " ; "

Ques 34


लूप में, __________ कीवर्ड का उपयोग वर्तमान पुनरावृत्ति के मुख्य भाग को छोड़ने के लिए किया जाता है

In a loop, __________ keyword is used to skip the body of the current iteration

[A] Continue

[B] Break

[C] Exit

[D] Return

Correct Answer : Continue

Ques 35

PHC -2019



[A] all have the same motive

[B] break into other people& computers

[C] may legally break into computers as long as they do not do any damage

[D] are people who are allergic to computers

Correct Answer : break into other people& computers

Ques 36

RBCI 2022

SDCL के किस चरण में सॉफ्टवेयर कोड की वास्तविक प्रोग्रामिंग की जाती है?

In which steps of SDCL actual programming of software-code is done?

[A] Development and documentation

[B] Maintenance and evaluation

[C] Design

[D] Analysis

Correct Answer : Development and documentation

Ques 37

SSC 2024

इनमें से कौन प्रोग्रामिंग भाषा नहीं है?

Which of these is NOT a programming language?

[A] C++

[B] Python

[C] C4

[D] Java

Correct Answer : C4

Ques 38


यदि किसी वेबसाइट को PHP, MySQL और HTML का उपयोग करके विकसित किया जाता है, तो विकसित की गई वेबसाइट का प्रकार क्या होगा?

If a website is developed using PHP, MySQL and HTML, then what will be the type of website developed?

[A] Static

[B] Dynamic

[C] Flash

[D] None of these

Correct Answer : Dynamic

Ques 39

Odisha Jail Warder 2022

जावा, पर्ल और फोरट्रान क्या हैं. ?

What are Java. Perl and Fortran?

[A] Types of plastics

[B] Operating systems

[C] Computer programming languages

[D] Types of coffee

Correct Answer : Computer programming languages

Ques 40

SSC Scientific Assistant CS 2017

कंपाइलर क्या है?

What is a compiler?

[A] A compiler does a conversion line by line as the program is run

[B] A compiler converts the whole of a high-level program code into machine code in one step

[C] A compiler is a general-purpose language providing very efficient execution

[D] None of these

Correct Answer : A compiler converts the whole of a high-level program code into machine code in one step

Ques 41

SSC Scientific Assistant CS 2017

फोरट्रान में बुनियादी डेटा प्रकार क्या हैं?

What are the basic data types in Fortran?

[A] Integer, Real, Double Precision, Character

[B] Integer, Real, Character, Logical

[C] Integer, Real, Complex, Character

[D] interger, Real, Character,Double precision,complex and logical

Correct Answer : interger, Real, Character,Double precision,complex and logical

Ques 42

SSC Scientific Assistant CS 2017

निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा डेटा की संरचना या प्रारूप को संदर्भित करता है?

Which of the following refers to structure or format of data?

[A] Syntax

[B] Semantics

[C] Strut

[D] None of these

Correct Answer : Syntax

Ques 43


एक फ़ंक्शन के अंदर दूसरे फ़ंक्शन को _________ फ़ंक्शन कहा जाता है।

A function inside another function is called a _________ function.

[A] Nested

[B] Round

[C] Sum

[D] Text

Correct Answer : Nested

Ques 44


निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा प्रोग्राम बड़ी फ़ाइलों को छोटी फ़ाइलों में संपीड़ित करता है?

Which of the following programs compresses large files into a smaller files ?

[A] WinZip

[B] WinShrink

[C] WinStyle

[D] None of the above

Correct Answer : WinZip

Ques 45


निम्नलिखित में से कौन सी त्रुटि की परिभाषा नहीं है?

Which one of the following is not a definition of error ?

[A] It refers to the discrepancy between a computed, observed or measured value and the true, specified or theoretically correct value.

[B] It refers to the actual output of a software and the correct output.

[C] It refers to a condition that causes a system to fail.

[D] It refers to human action that results in software containing a defect or fault.

Correct Answer : It refers to human action that results in software containing a defect or fault.

Ques 46


शुद्ध ऑब्जेक्ट ओरिएंटेड प्रोग्रामिंग भाषा जिसमें व्यापक मेटाडेटा उपलब्ध है और रन टाइम पर संशोधित किया जा सकता है

The pure object oriented programming language with extensive metadata available and modifiable at run time is

[A] Small talk

[B] C++

[C] Java

[D] Eiffel

Correct Answer : Small talk

Ques 47


सतही तौर पर "ऑब्जेक्ट ओरिएंटेड" शब्द का अर्थ है कि, हम सॉफ़्टवेयर को एक के रूप में व्यवस्थित करते हैं

Superficially the term “object oriented”, means that, we organize software as a

[A] collection of continuous objects that incorporates both data structure and behaviour.

[B] collection of discrete objects that incorporates both discrete structure and behaviour.

[C] collection of discrete objects that incorporates both data structure and behaviour.

[D] collection of objects that incorporates both discrete data structure and behaviour.

Correct Answer : collection of discrete objects that incorporates both data structure and behaviour.

Ques 48

IPPB -2023

एक कंप्यूटर प्रोग्राम जो संपूर्ण प्रोग्राम को मशीन भाषा में परिवर्तित करता है उसे ________ कहा जाता है।

A computer program that converts n entire program into a machine language is called ________.

[A] Interpreter

[B] Simulator

[C] Compiler

[D] None of the above

Correct Answer : Compiler

Ques 49

IPPB -2023

__________ वह भाषा है जिसे कंप्यूटर समझ सकता है और निष्पादित कर सकता है।

__________is the language that computer can understand and execute.

[A] Middle Level Language

[B] Machine level Language

[C] High Level Language

[D] All of the above

Correct Answer : Machine level Language

Ques 50

IPPB -2023

निम्नलिखित में से ____________एक कंप्यूटर भाषा नहीं है।

Of the following ,__________i not a computer language .

[A] MS-Word

[B] C++



Correct Answer : MS-Word

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